Every first Wednesday of the month, Marie-France, our painter, illustrator and cultural mediator, leads creative workshops in connection with the exhibitions, objects and themes presented in the museum.
Through artistic activities, it offers an original, playful and joyful approach to understand the museum’s collections. Artistic development allows your child to express him/herself (as an integral part of language) while becoming familiar with the different techniques offered.
The workshops always start with an exploration of a museum room to observe an object or to discuss a theme. Participants then share their impressions and feelings with each other and then give free rein to their imagination with the following tools: pencil, plaster, clay, paint, charcoal, linocuts, pens, glue, scissors, white or coloured paper, string, wire, etc. on a support, such as canvas, sheet or cardboard
“Asking questions, new possibilities, looking questions (that have already been answered) from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real progress” said Albert Einstein.
The museum environment is thus “domesticated” and becomes an open, attractive space where everyone finds their place and learns, understands, listens and shares with respect for each other and the objects around us.
Every first Wednesday of the month, from 3.30 to 5.30 pm. CHF 7 per child. A small snack is offered during the break.
Contactez-nous au : 022 316 42 50 ou par email
De mardi à dimanche
Avril à Octobre : 10h – 17h
Novembre à Mars : 14h – 17h