The spirit of the museum


The museum is interested in everything that happens and everything that is in the water, on the water and around the water. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, it uses the humanities as well as the natural sciences.

The Museum of Lake Geneva is a popular museum, open and accessible to as many people as possible.

It proposes different levels of discourse in order to answerto the expectations of its audiences: from children to adults, from tourists to locals, from laypeople to specialists in the various themes and sciences related to the lake.

Lake Geneva and the protection of nature Creation of awareness of ongoing challenges: combating pollution, maintaining the aquatic flora and fauna and the water quality of Lake Geneva.

Preserving the heritage of Lake Geneva Incorporation and presentation of the sciences and technologies of the Lake with their considerable naval, subaquatic and limnological heritage and the “people of the lake” – the populations who keep them alive.

The Musée du Léman combines knowledge and emotions, scientific rigour and playful approaches.

It provides its visitors with verified information, while inviting them to marvel, have fun and smile.