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22 March 2012 - 1st July 2018

WaterGAMES explains the new water-related issues in a fun and interactive way, with the aim of making people aware that we are all players! Dive into three exciting series... 1. Secret Story / Micropollutants Since 2011, all wastewater in the Lake Geneva basin has been connected to wastewater treatment plants. But a sneaky micropollution is spreading to the lake. It comes from the chemical substances used in the composition of a multitude of products used on a daily basis (laundry, cleaning, body or medical care). These micropollutants of domestic origin are combined with those that already come from our environment (pesticides, lead, copper, etc.). Their cumulative effects are toxic for human and animal health. Discover the game that allows you to track them in the lake and act to limit their discharge. Learn the three good ways to limit micropollution: choose natural products / always use the right amount / do without unnecessary substances... 2. Alert in LémanCity / Waste More and more waste is being dumped on the shores of Lake Geneva and ends up in the lake. How many years does it take to degrade an aluminium can in water? A glass bottle? A plastic cup? A tin can? Lake Geneva, and then the Rhône, also contribute to the soup of waste that causes so much damage to marine ecosystems. How can we act? Do we want to be spectators in front of this desolation or, on the contrary, become actors and fight against this plague? It is always possible to have a positive attitude and to fight against littering, in other words the scattering of waste in nature... 3. Lost ? / Biodiversity What is the purpose of a pike or a black kite? In an ecosystem, we now know that large predators are as useful as the smallest harvest rat! If man has the capacity to destroy nature, he can also promote biodiversity through intelligent development. Biodiversity is regaining its rights in the city and even nesting can be expected in urban areas. Come and learn to recognise the most important species of aquatic biodiversity through a new dynamic presentation of our collection of animals, invertebrates, amphibians and other naturalised plants. You will be amazed at the richness of the collection. 4. Bonus / Water in the lake The exhibition focuses on the water cycle and how currents and winds affect it. This resource in Lake Geneva is vital for over 600,000 people today. The average person in Nyon consumes 140 litres of water per day, which is close to the national average of 162 litres. In addition, in Nyon, there are 40 public fountains spread throughout the town, providing very good quality water accessible to all! What a wealth! The WATERGAMES exhibition was designed in an innovative way to stimulate creativity and reflection. Alternating between interactive games, films and naturalized specimens of all kinds, the exhibition can be read, looked at, observed, touched, in short, discovered from many angles...